The Google Story

Looking for a refresher course on how Google began? This beautifully animated video of G’s illustrious history kind of illuminates how many incredible leaps they’ve made in such a short time. Sometimes I forget its only been 12 or so years since this company existed, and that Gmail was introduced in 2004. I can’t imagine what my life was like before it… Anyways, lots of fun little surprises that remind how quickly innovation happens these days.

Juan Carlos Pineiro Escoriaza

Juan Carlos directed two acclaimed films: "Know How" a musical written and acted by youth in foster care, and "Second Skin" a documentary on virtual worlds. He is Director of Social Action Impact & Public Affairs at Participant Media, and the Founder of White Roof Project, a nonprofit organization curbing climate change. @jcpe

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2 Responses

  1. Do we know if Sergei and Larry commissioned this, or if they’ve adopted it/shown it to the company?

    I wonder if this is some motionographer’s attempt to get into Google!

  2. Do we know if Sergei and Larry commissioned this, or if they’ve adopted it/shown it to the company?

    I wonder if this is some motionographer’s attempt to get into Google!

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