Andrew WK Levels Up Again


Ladies and gentlmen, the one and only Andrew WK has one-upped himself (and just about every other musician) once more. Following on the heels of his J-Pop cover album and Gundam tribute album, AWK has written an entire album of “spontaneous solo piano improvisations” (or SSPIs as he calls them) inspired by his ’55 Cadillac. I’m talking about eight tracks that run the gamut from jazz to 50s rock to classical music, peppered with engine noise. And it’s bloody gorgeous.

Every time I hear about this guy’s next project, it sounds so unbelievably random I start to wonder if it’s completely calculated. Does Andrew WK have some grand, cosmic plan that he shields from us, knowing that it would shatter our brains to grasp it entirely? Are the random shifts from party anthems to MTV self-help show, to club ownership not random at all? The answer is an unequivocal yes.

And here’s proof. A benign guest spot on a local news channel? I think not. Andrew has just subtly warned us of the apocalypse, while simultaneously charting a course to lead us to societal self-actualization. Thank you, sir, I will never stop living in the red.

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