Creativity and the Problem with Genius

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the Crikey-I-See-This-Book-Everywhere Bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, gives a miraculous speech on

Why does creativity screw us up so much? What does it mean to be a genius? And should we dub any specific person a genius? Where does it get us, especially those of us dubbed a genius?

Sublimely written, beautifully spoken, and profoundly inspirational, this speech is one for the ages. It might get a bit too new-agey for some, so consider yourself warned. But I love the way Ms. Gilbert thinks, and how disarmingly honest she is. I also love the way people are consistently attacking the idea of genius these days- between Gladwell’s book and this talk, I feel like we’re having some kind of genius-backlash.

Watch, and may you be slightly or majorly transformed.

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2 Responses

  1. Peter Brauer says:

    I think she is on to something, and it would really explain my 50/50 quality to shit ratio. This is such a good video I may have to read Eat, Pray, Love. One added bonus is that when I am reading it, I will be able to talk to any girl on the subway. Hehe.

  2. Peter Brauer says:

    I think she is on to something, and it would really explain my 50/50 quality to shit ratio. This is such a good video I may have to read Eat, Pray, Love. One added bonus is that when I am reading it, I will be able to talk to any girl on the subway. Hehe.

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