Review: The New Blackberry Tour


Blackberry has finally delivered an answer to the millions of users who hung their heads in disappointment upon discovery that the Blackberry Storm was a far cry from its arch-nemesis, the iPhone. As a matter of fact, almost everyone I know who rushed out to get the supposed “iPhone killer” returned it before there were any fingerprint stains on the touch/click screen which was an awesome idea in theory, but a short-lived novelty in actuality. Most of the complaints revolved around functionality and the constant freezing because of all the prototype glitches. Other than that, there were people (Blackberry users) who thought they wanted a touch screen Blackberry, but found out that they really didn’t. In fact they wanted an iPhone, which to me, is the only phone worth touching a screen for, only because of the gazillion apps you get as a trade off. But Blackberry…naw. Blackberry is for business.

The curve, on the other hand is a Blackberry favorite. It’s pretty much the masterberry. Its sleek, functional, equipped with keyboard…with buttons. But is it cool enough? I say yes, but I must admit that in comparison to, the iPhone and even the Storm, its pretty blah. It’s a pair corduroys, while the Storm is a pair of cut-off shorts. What I mean is, the Curve is all about functionality, but fashionable…that’s a stretch. It’s acceptable, at best, which to the twenty-something street-beaters, just ain’t good enough.

So now we have the love child of the Storm and Curve. The Tour. It has the same interface as the Storm, all the cool lights and full internet screen. It even has like 3 gigs of space, and a 3.2 mega pixel camera. The design is slick, and fluid and the apps are plentiful and diverse. But…there’s a keyboard! And that makes it pretty sweet. Way to go Blackberry. You done good.

But honestly, though the Tour is the love child of the Storm and the Curve, its still a stepchild, with PTSD, to the iPhone.

Note: I’ve only had it for a few hours. I’ll tell you if I change my mind, either way, in a few days.

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