My last entry entailed a journey into the depths of the science fiction world and came out on top of a haystack of modern realities. Something I overlooked on my idea of self-prophesying technological advancements as a societal whole is the natural ability for the human mind to expand on ideas.
This beautifully artistic and advanced mirror system compliments my last string of text. Here we have some very innovative thinkers, using wood blocks, simple motors, and a mid-level digital camera to create an entirely opaque mirror. By placing the wood blocks in specific positions that similarly represent pixels, shining spotlights down onto the blocks, and moving the motorized blocks through the camera’s relationship between pixilated image and corresponding block placement, you can see yourself in and out of motion. Okay, so looking into this abstract reflection isn’t accurate nor detailed enough to pluck those lonely nose hairs, but the concept is just so damn cool.
This is fantastic.
This is fantastic.