What the Hell Is Wrong with You? (Ask Failin.gs)

We all wonder what others really think about us. But do we actually want to hear what’s said?

For those who are brave enough to face the music, here comes failin.gs – a service that lets your friends and family anonymously gripe about you to your face. You pose the simple question, “What Can I Work On?” and give them license to go to town on your shortcomings, potentially traumatizing you for life, but potentially helping you work out some kinks you never realized you had.

Despite dealing with the touchiest of subjects, failin.gs seems to do it mostly right. It’s great about privacy, asking would-be commenters to answer a question about you (your choice) to prove that they do indeed know you. It also allows anyone to agree or disagree with comments, so that irate ex-girlfriends can be drowned out by your actual friends. You can even post your two cents by categorizing them as “I know this about me”, “I had no idea” or “I totally disagree”

Ever since I was shown the site a couple of days ago, it’s been my Pandora’s Box- I can’t stop thinking about singing up, but can’t bring myself to actually do it.

Anyone out there got the emotional cojones to get an account? If you take the plunge, let us know how it goes for you in the comments.

It’s in private beta for now, but google “failin.gs promo code” and you should be all set.

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2 Responses

  1. timm says:

    no way in hell am i ever doing this.

    not even tempted.

    worst idea ever.

  2. timm says:

    no way in hell am i ever doing this.

    not even tempted.

    worst idea ever.

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