Pandora, the little program of music discovery showed me this yesterday, and I can’t get it out of my head. It’s kind of like Gorillaz ‘Demon Days’ meets Avalanches ‘Frontier Psychiatrist’. Thanks to Youtube someone put this song to the beat of the classic film ‘Metropolis’.
Am I (as always) the last person on the train for this one? If so please recommend to me things that sound like this.
Whoa! Mixing Metropolis with Doris Day… it’s like every dream I ever had!
Yes, very very cool man. God Bless Pandora for musical exploration!!
yo, this is FLY. Dig it.
Try Kid Koala, specially if you like te blues.
Try Kid Koala, specially if you like te blues.
if u still into it try finding ninjs tunes labeled lp’s in last-fm
if u still into it try finding ninjs tunes labeled lp’s in last-fm
Hello Check Out up and coming artist “PostModern Escape Artist”
This song also includes a doris day sample as well as “Quit Party”
Hello Check Out up and coming artist “PostModern Escape Artist”
This song also includes a doris day sample as well as “Quit Party”