WTF, Washington Post Guy

So in an attempt to be a responsible, informed adult, and for my earnest desire to know what the hell is going on in this country, I watched President Obama address the public and press to talk about the economy, and his plan to try and “fix” it.

Along with several questions regarding American money matters, there were pepperings of other inquiries regarding equally important issues, such as the ever-looming war, foreign relations, etc.

And then
…it was time for a question from The Washington Post. The journalist stood, and said, “Yeah, thank you Mr. President,” he continued, “How do you feel about A-Rod admitting to steroid usage with Texas Rangers?”

…um… (insert expletive)

There’s a time and a place bro…a time and a place…

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2 Responses

  1. That’s amazing. But what did Obama say. dude? I want to know his stance on this important issue!

  2. That’s amazing. But what did Obama say. dude? I want to know his stance on this important issue!

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